... 审计客户表白书 representation letter 幽游白书 富铿义博 yuyu hakusho 幽游白书 - 灵界侦探 yu yu hakusho - spirit detective ...
Shareholder Representation Letter 股东声明
legal representation letter 审计客户律师表白书 ; 律师表白书
letter of representation 审计客户表白书 ; 情况说明信函
Greek letter representation 希腊字母表示法
client letter of representation [审计] 审计客户声明书
For primitive types, the representation USES a single letter code for each type (such as' I 'for an int and' Z 'for a Boolean).
In this scenario, the canonical or generic representation of the customer USES the official two-letter acronym (for example, "ca" for California).
The hexadecimal representation of the character "A" is x'41' and the "Latin capital letter A with ring above" is x'C385'.
字符 “A” 的十六进制表示是 x‘41’ 而 “上面带圈的大写拉丁字母 A” 的十六进制表示是 x‘C385’。